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02.04.2024 Наши люди

At the SMiRT 27 Conference in Japanese Yokohama We Also Visited the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

In its 27th year, the SMiRT (International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology) has visited Yokohama, Japan. More than 600 accepted papers from scientists, engineers and other conference participants in 17 technical sessions were joined also by our colleagues Ing. Marek Adamech, PhD., and Ing. Dávid Slnek from the Structural Analysis Department of the VUJE, a. s. Diagnostics of Nuclear Power Plants Division.

At the SMiRT 27 Conference in Japanese Yokohama We Also Visited the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

The annual conference covers a wide range of technical topics in nuclear and reactor engineering - from materials, structural integrity, fuel cycle to modelling and safety aspects of nuclear plant operation.

"The role of nuclear energy in building a decarbonised society to mitigate the effects of global warming and to ensure global energy security is indispensable. This nuclear renaissance is gradually being embraced by almost all the developed countries of the world and we certainly cannot be left behind," said Marek Adamech, assessing our work.

"We are also joining this effort through the DELISA-LTO research project, where we are evaluating components from the decommissioned V1 NPP and their impact on the long-term operation of nuclear power plants. This was also the subject of our contribution paper entitled - Impact of primary piping material conditions on safe long-term operation of VVER-type NPPS: DELISA-LTO assesment, which caught the attention of the present audience," confirmed Dávid Slnek.

The conference's technical programme also included an excursion to the crashed Fukushima Daiichi NPP, where a major accident occurred at four nuclear units following the 2011 earthquake due to tsunami inundation. Intensive decontamination and decommissioning work is currently underway at the crashed units, pumping out contaminated water and, once cleaned up, discharging it into the ocean.

"It was indeed a great professional experience to be on site and to see with once own eyes not only the consequences of the unfortunate accident, but especially the enormous effort and determination in their removal," Marek Adamech described the professional moments from the specialised centre of events in Japan.

Therefore we would like to thank our colleagues for their professional suggestions among the top segment experts.