26.10.2021 News
The 9th annual seminar on updates from the field of nuclear power plants operation monitoring in Slovakia and the Czech Republic is over
The seminar took place in Modra from 20th to 22nd October 2021 and its topic was: Utilization of the results of tasks solved in the departments of structural analysis and control of nuclear power installations for reliable and safe operation of Slovak NPPs. It is organized annually by the Department of Structural Analysis of VUJE, a. s., under the leadership of Jana Petzová.

Scientific presentations, realistic demonstrations of equipment and measurement procedures as well as results of monitoring important components of nuclear power installations all contributed to the constructive dialogue and quality of our partnerships, together with suggestions and recommendations for further cooperation. We would like to thank the representatives of Slovenské elektrárne, ČEZ, JAVYS, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic, ŠKODA JA, UVJ Řež, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and others for their participation.
Program can be downloaded HERE.
We are already looking forward to seeing you at the 10th annual seminar next year.