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26.04.2024 News

Tutoring course: "Deterministic Safety Assessment"


Tutoring course: "Deterministic Safety Assessment"

The Division of nuclear safety, research and development organized a four-week tutoring course on the topic "Deterministic Safety Assessment". The course was a part of the European Commission project "Training and tutoring for experts of the Nuclear Regulatory Authorities and their Technical Support Organisations for developing or strengthening their regulatory and technical capabilities - MC3.01/20". VUJE participates on the project as a member of an international consortium (

Out of a large number of applicants for the tutoring course, Pantip Ampornrat from Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) qualified in the selection process. OAP is a Thai regulatory body for nuclear safety and radiation protection. At present, one research reactor of TRIGA MARK-III (1,2 MWt) type is in operation in Thailand. Currently, implementation of two new projects for construction of a new research reactor and a training reactor is ongoing. OAP will also be the regulatory body in case of development of a nuclear power programme in the country.

The goal of the tutoring is a support of regulatory bodies in the area of nuclear safety assessment. The course was organised in a form of expert lectures, practical training, and demonstrations. A brief presentation of nuclear industry development in Slovakia was presented in the beginning. Consequently, a summary of European and international standards related to the course topic was presented. The core of the tutoring was to describe the methodology of nuclear safety assessment and its application in practice. An emphasis was put on safety assessment within the licensing process and the relevant chapters of a safety analysis report. Twelve highly qualified experts from Division of nuclear safety, research and development participated in the course implementation covering all aspects of nuclear safety.

In addition to the tutoring, a visit of V2 NPP Bohunice simulator took place with the help of the employees of the Division of the NPP personnel training centre. Thanks to the representatives of the Division for diagnostics of nuclear power components, the tutee had the opportunity to see with her own eyes a demonstration of the operation of a manipulator for steam generators inspection in nuclear power plants.

Our Thai tutee appreciated a visit to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava where she learned about the competencies of our regulatory body in the area of safety analyses. A view on nuclear industry in Slovakia from the position of a nuclear power plant operator was provided by Mr. Róbert Holý in Energoland – the information centre of Slovenské elektrárne in Mochovce. The visit was focused on perception and support of nuclear industry by the public. We would also like to thank to the state company JAVYS for the opportunity not only to discuss but also to see the actual state of V1 NPP decommissioning in Jaslovské Bohunice.

In the end of the course, Pantip Ampornrat prepared a presentation where she summarized the acquired knowledge and set particular goals to be applied in her workplace. We would like to thank all our employees who contributed to the successful implementation of the tutoring course at VUJE. We wish Pantip good luck and success in the future!